Changes to upgrade for crematorium

Falkirk Crematorium will close for 34 weeks from JanuaryFalkirk Crematorium will close for 34 weeks from January
Falkirk Crematorium will close for 34 weeks from January
Council chiefs have been forced to rethink their plans for the £3.2 million upgrade of Falkirk Crematorium.

But according to one undertaker, the revised proposals will deliver an improved facility because the local authority has taken on board potential improvements put forward by stakeholders.

In March, it was revealed details of the renovations which will include extending the chapel area from 120 to 190 seats, improving the heating and lighting, upgrading the waiting area and plans to screen the loggia where relatives currently meet mourners.

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Initially, the plan was to close the building to the public from this month until next January. Cremations would still take place but only funeral directors’ staff would have access not families.

There was then planned to be a reduced service from January until May 2017 when the cremators were replaced.

But following consultation with various groups, including funeral directors and faith and non-faith groups, several improvements to the original plans were highlighted.

Work will now begin in January and should take 34 weeks.

During this time there will be no public services in the facility, although cremations will still take place.

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Paul Cuthell of Thomas Cuthell Undertakers, which has funeral parlours across the district, including Falkirk and Bo’ness, welcomed the latest improvements.

He said: “It’s going to make a real difference to people using the crematorium. There has been little investment since it opened but now, after taking on board the comments from stakeholders, the job is going to be done properly.

“When you consider that the alternative is carrying on as things are in a building that is no longer fit for purpose it really isn’t an option.

“However, neither is trying to carry out renovations while services are taking place. It just wouldn’t be dignified.”

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Mr Cuthell said families would be able to hold services in funeral parlours, churches or other buildings, pointing out that they already use Bo’ness Town Hall for services when they know there will be too many mourners for their premises. Undertakers would then take the coffins to the Camelon facility for cremation, while families go on to the funeral tea.

Councillor Craig Martin, spokesperson for environment said: “The feedback from the consultation has been invaluable to allow us to plan for a better service and facility for the public.

“It will mean a delay to the original timescales but we are sure that the revisions will be welcomed when the work is finally completed.”

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